Obama’s Call For 21,000 Troops To Afghanistan Makes Gay Troops Indispensable  Today, President Obama announced far-reaching plans that commit the United States to aggressive action...
Change.org’s Michael A. Jones is one of the most credible gay bloggers. He writes intelligently about facts. So, for him to write “Pope Benedict XVI is...
Remember that classic moment when Joe The Plumber first met Barack Obama? It was back in October, just a few days before the final presidential debate,...
If I had cancer then caught the flu because I had to crawl home in a snowstorm after being bitten by a dog then broke my...
                               The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – Army of One http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:cms:item:comedycentral.com:217823 Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Joke of the...
“There is nothing more dangerous than the conscience of a bigot.” - George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) Many times I have written here about the hatred and bigotry...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=n7a13GAFc94%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 In a close five-way race, (it would have been six but “Barack, the Magic Negro” intervened,) the Republican National Committee elected Michael Steele on Friday...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EWCum9yQhTg%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Only fifteen days into the new year, a year of promise that ushers in our first African American president, and yet, already our rights are...
Ann Coulter has made it her business to ridicule gays. By ridiculing straights:Â Bill Clinton “show[s] some level of latent homosexuality”, Al Gore is a “total...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2SATeKp8EWo%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1%26rel%3D0 I love David Weinberger. Quick bio, via Wikipedia: “David Weinberger (born 1950 in New York) is an American technologist, professional speaker, and commentator, probably best known...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=u5U9N4cBY28%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Today’s Daily News reports that New York Governor David Patterson is considering American Federation of Teachers’ president Randi Weingarten to fill the vacancy that will be...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=S1-ip47WYWc%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Dear Michelle Malkin, I like you too. I like how you’re obsessed with homosexuality. I like how the word “homosexual” appears in 45 of your...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SqWqBAx_WIw%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 “Prop 8 The Musical” has taken the nation by storm, and has provoked thunderous laughter from the left and thunderous attacks from the right. Can’t...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mpBVZk1kMKQ%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Eric Holder has a long and strong legal background, one that includes public service and private practice. He has been a judge, U.S. Attorney, and...
So! You’re getting ready for this weekend’s National Equality March in D.C.? Good for you! Here are a few last minute items that are essential to...