Vladimir Putin looks a CBS News journalist in the eyes and lies to him and the American people about how Russia's LGBT people are treated under...
An anti-gay activist is calling for supporters to donate $25,000 to help him protect pastors from the "army" of same-sex marriage supporters who have "occupied" Texas.
There are few things more undermining to a democracy than a news organization that makes "errors" like this.
This is amazing. Live video now - developing story.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and six others are on Time magazine's short list for the Person of the year award. Who are...
NYPD officers were filmed throwing a woman on the ground, on her belly, in the middle of the street. She says they later tasered her stomach.
Watch as dozens of NYPD police officers descend on a street fair in Brooklyn and almost immediately begin to hit, punch, kick, and detain vendors.
Well before the curfew imposed by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon was supposed to be in effect, police officers occupying Ferguson Sunday night tear gassed an eight-year...
To refute a claim by Politico that evangelical Christians are slowly embracing same-sex marriage, the religious right trots out the author of the most widely excoriated...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Human Rights Watch has compiled several clips from the many, many videos posted online, which document neo-Nazi thugs violently brutalizing and humiliating gay...
By now you’re probably aware of SF Pride’s controversial decision to rescind the selection of Bradley Manning as one of the Grand Marshals of the annual...
The victim of an anti-gay Russian neo-Nazi group who was tortured for supposedly being gay reportedly has died. The group, “Occupy Pedofilyaj,” which reportedly lures gay...
Star statistician Nate Silver is leaving his home at the New York Times and moving to ESPN to be a part of “Olbermann,” the new Keith...
On September 11, after being falsely lured on a date, a young man was attacked, handcuffed, bullied, and raped with a bottle at gunpoint by Russian...
One of the authors of Russia‘s anti-gay laws says they cannot be paused or ignored by Russian authorities for visitors or Olympians at the 2014 Winter...