Glenn Beck, pointing to Martin Luther King, Jr., says that he has the “righteous calling” to lead “the New Civil Rights Movement,” and lead America away...
Apparently, there are two Rick Santorums. One Rick Santorum spends his days railing against the evils of contraception, pornography, Satan, separation of church and state, the teaching of...
I hate the jingoism wrought by 9/11 and the ugly manipulation of the tragedy that inextricably intertwined it with the shame of Abu Ghraib, Bagram and...
The Fox News pundit who this week suggested women soldiers stop complaining about being raped has a history of inflammatory comments, including anti-gay comments, comments supporting...
Scott Lively, an invited speaker at a Tea Party rally in Boston, Massachusetts on Sunday, called gays “anarchists” who use “fascist tactics” to “prevent you from...
35 major organizations, from the AFL-CIO to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, from  HRC and GLAAD to the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights,...
Michael Kobulnicky, a spokesperson for the Tea Party in San Diego, has been arrested on charges of suspicion of rape after reportedly picking a woman up...
Embattled first-term Troy, Michigan Mayor Janice Daniels — famous for writing on Facebook an anti-gay slur in response to news New York had passed a marriage...
Republican Rep. Allen West is known for his lies and half-truths, his racist and anti-gay comments, and his Nazi analogies and Nazi comments, possibly more than any other...
Gallup has just released a new report that finds the number of states that are overall Democratic has dropped significantly, while the number of states that...
Anti-gay activist organization Minnesota For Marriage today released an email stating, “The Green Giant, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Kix, and Trix have all declared war on...
Today President Obama delivered the commencement address at Barnard College, and, along with Evan Wolfson, the founder of Freedom To Marry, received the Barnard College Medal of Distinction. Below is...
Leave it to Lou Dobbs at Fox Business to come up with this: The new Universal Pictures animated film, “The Lorax,” based on a Dr. Seuss...
Pat Robertson proclaimed today that God will punish the United States for President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s new international LGBT rights doctrine....
President Barack Obama Tuesday afternoon slammed the GOP as he delivered a feisty and populist speech reminiscent of former President Theodore Roosevelt, in the same Osawatomie, Kansas, that...