In The Weekly Standard, Rupert Murdoch’s “American neoconservative opinion magazine,” founder and editor (and, of course, Fox News contributor,) Bill Kristol (the man progressives, liberals, moderates,...
Promotional flyer from a Jennie O’Donnell-directed show in L.A. Christine O’Donnell, who took in one million dollars after winning the GOP primary for the seat that...
Just a few hours ago I wrote, ““_blank”>Erick Erickson Of Red State, CNN, Exposed As Homophobic, Racist, By Jon Stewart,” Now, I come across this,...
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is our nation’s highest ranking military officer, and the principal military adviser to the President, the National Security...
Now That Corporations Are People, Can They Marry Each Other? What If They’re Gay? Tales of the absurdity that is America. You cannot help but feel...
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. — Mao Zedong, 1938 The Democratic Party leadership’s performance over the past 365 days is...
Haha! – No, not Sarah Palin. But Margaret Hoover, who is a thirty-two year old conservative commentator and Fox News contributor (and, as it happens, the...
News is flying all over the place. Here’s the latest — Susan Collins, who supposedly is willing to vote for repeal if Harry Reid can figure...
On Monday, Quinnipiac released a brand new poll that says Americans think President Obama does not deserve a second term. I asked what you thought. 46%...
Sarah Palin today must be really pissed. In her home state of Alaska, not only did her hand-chosen and long-time family-feud inspired Tea Party pick of...
Tonight Senator-elect Dan Coates of Indiana won election to return to the Senate. Â He formerly held the junior senator seat from Indiana when Dan Quayle became...
This is the second part in our week-long series, “Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Voting, And Voting Democratic.” Each day this week, we’ll bring you five...
Offering analysis, inside information, Monday-morning quarterbacking, and, yes, blame, four high-level insiders of the LGBT political movement convened in Manhattan’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community...
The “Tea Party” movement, just two years old, has permeated the mainstream media. With powerful media and political moguls — like Glenn Beck, Jim DeMint, and...
This land was made for you and me. I have spent the past few years writing extensively about the GOP, the religious Right, and the fight...