var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; O.K., so as anyone with a pulse by now knows, the Supreme Court has just agreed to hear appeals on two marriage...
This post is the ninth in a series of Spilled Milk columns by Emmy Award-winning writer and producer William Lucas Walker that chronicle his journey through parenthood. Spilled Milk, which originates in The...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study on gay parenting carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin. Regnerus’s known total of...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke yesterday at the 2012 International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C. and announced the United States is donating $80 million...
Two days after American war reporter Marie Colvin and Rémi Ochlik, a French photographer were killed in Homs, Syria, which has become a veritable military target for...
Newt Gingrich has just been sued by the band “Survivor,” for the campaign’s illegal use of the song, “Eye of the Tiger,” according to reports in Variety...
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg Thursday cut the ribbon and officiated at the opening of Twitter East Coast headquarters. In his address, Bloomberg honored Steve...
Jane Lynch appeared on HLN’s Joy Behar Show and told Joy that she wanted to be a boy when she was young. Â WATCH: Emmys: Jane...
Editor’s note: This is the final part of a five part poetry series from Provincetown. Read part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here.  ...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association (AFA), yesterday on his radio program said that the same hate, vitriol,...
Former Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson reacting to Monday night’s Republican Tea Party debate — during which the audience cheered at the concept of allowing a 30-year...
Dr. Drew profiles several anti-gay politicians who were caught in same-sex affairs, one-night stands, and long-term relationships. Ted Haggard, Phil Hinkle, Jim McGreevey, are all discussed...
It’s going to be a busy day here at The New Civil Rights Movement – come back for frequent updates, and make sure to leave a...
Marcus Bachmann, husband of Republican 2012 presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, has been accused — although he has publicly denied it –Â of practicing an unethical and scientifically-unsubstiantied...
It’s revealing that Sean Hannity, Commentary magazine and Pam Geller have been among those responsible for generating the latest round of consternation over Ron Paul’s old...