Comedian and "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) alum Will Ferrell returned to host this weekend's episode of the popular sketch comedy show - and he brought an...
Donald Trump has reportedly been "fuming" over Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
The Twitter account of Fox News anchor and Donald Trump superfan Sean Hannity disappeared for several hours early Saturday, prompting both conspiracy theories and celebration.
'What Do You Think About That, Do You Even Care?'
'First Time Mr. Trump Is Known to Have Tried to Fire the Special Counsel'
FBI's Reputation Is 'Worst in History!' Trump Said Last Month
Is Mueller Closing In?
First Trump Cabinet Member to Be Interviewed by Mueller
'This Much Meddling With the FBI for This Long Is Not Normal'
Fan-favorite and award-winning "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) cast member Kate McKinnon upped her impersonation game this weekend, adding special counsel Robert Mueller to her arsenal.
Are Confidential Conversations on Omarosa's iPhone?
Voters in Iowa Are Worried About Trump. Ernst Didn't Help.
Five Crazy Tweets in 36 Minutes
'The Single Most Dangerous and Irresponsible Thing the President Has Ever Tweeted'