Spicer's Latest Comments Are a Throwback to Easter Pogroms of the 1800s
Hitler 'Didn't Even Sink to Using Chemical Weapons' Said Spicer, Falsely
Nor Did Approval of Gorsuch to Supreme Court
Over 100 gay men have been reportedly kidnapped, detained, tortured, and some murdered in concentration-like facilities in Chechnya.
20 Percent of Staffers Went to the Press With Complaints
'You and Your Family Are a Laughing Stock'
'It's What They Teach You on Day 1 at Trump Military College'
"The role of the press is to ask hard questions."
"Seriously, you must work or I will have you killed."
'We Are Prepared to Do More'
'There's a Big Fight' Going on, Says a White House Source
Trump Has Been Against Intervention for Years
Speaker Paul Ryan Declares Support for Nunes
Are We Looking at a President Whose Grasp on Reality Is Slipping?
'Right-Wing Sexual Predators Stick Together'