For Once, Spicer Is Actually Correct - Here's Why
'Recusal Won't Do It. Resignation Won't Do It.'
'For the Good of the Country, Attorney General Sessions Should Resign'
In Surprising Switch, White House Attacks Democratic Senator, Not News Organization That Broke Story
Many Are Calling Sessions' Under-Oath Answer Perjury
'Not Fit to Serve as the Top Law Enforcement Officer of Our Country and Must Resign'
President Responds To Unrelenting Protests
'The Fake News Doesn't Tell the Truth'
One GOP Senator Changed His Town Hall Venue 5 Times in 3 Days to Avoid His Constituents
Constituents Furious Republicans Have Not Investigated Trump's Russian Connections
'I Don't Care What Trump Says About Anti-Semitism Unless He Says It to His Base'
"Notice there's no apology here or acknowledgement that what he said was false"
Shame on Him
Where, How, - and When - Does It All End?
Democrats Still Pushing for Investigations