President Cites Hate Group to Support His Claim
'You Get a Mulligan. You Get a Do-Over Here' Perkins Says
One could credibly have the impression that the Queen twenty-five years ago could have been talking about 2017 as it too is ending with a certain...
Confederate Soldiers Waged War Against the United States
Federal Government Wants to Argue That Making a Baker Follow Nondiscrimination Laws Violates His Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' Violates the First Amendment
Family Research Council's President Has Extraordinary Access to the President
'Our Christian Heritage Will Be Cherished, Defended, Protected Like You've Never Seen Before' Trump Promised Conference Attendees in 2016
'We Certainly Support Religious Freedom and Would Ask That Congress Also Support That as Well' Says Press Secretary
'Pompeo Has Consulted With Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council'
Bannon Brags Breitbart Is 'The Platform for the Alt-Right'
Also Thanks Trump for 'Honesty' and 'Courage'
'No Fascists in the White House!'
Met With Chants of 'We're Here, We're Gay, We Fight the KKK!'
Wrongly Claimed 'A Sweeping Local Ordinance and a State Law' Forced 'Commissioned Creative Professionals to Promote Messages That Violate Their Beliefs.' Nope.
Christian Organization Has Support of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Who Addressed Them in a Private Speech Behind Closed Doors Last Week