'After Consultation With My Generals and Military Experts' Trump Had Tweeted. But Did He Consult? Did the Pentagon Ask for the Ban?
'I Cannot in Good Conscience Vote for the Graham-Cassidy Proposal'
'Skinny' ObamaCare Repeal Dies on Senate Floor, 49-51
John McCain, Battling Cancer, Destroys His Legacy as a Statesman by Flying to DC to Cast Deciding Vote to Debate Stealing Health Care From Millions
'Absolutely Repugnant' That 'Some Female Senators' Don't Have the 'Courage' to Repeal ObamaCare Says Rep. Farenthold
Bill Cannot Pass in Current Form, Dealing Major Legislative Blow to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump For Now, Millions Will Now Be Forced Off Health Care
This is the second time McConnell has delayed a vote on the bill.
Ted Cruz: 'I Don't Comment About Tweets"
'I Really Think They'll Bribe Off the Moderates With Opioid Money' -Trump Administration Source
'Lordy, I Hope There Are Tapes!'
Without data, LGBT elders and others could be left in the cold • Data helps determine funding for home-delivered meals, transportation, home care, and caregiver support
"Securing a 'Political Win' Was More Important Than Safeguarding the Rights of Millions of Americans"
Hail Mary Pass
65 Lawmakers Already Demand Action