It’s a day as big as Texas for Republican Governor and presidential hopeful Rick Perry, who announced his campaign just two weeks ago. Today, Gallup released...
“Week in Review” is a new addition to the New Civil Rights Movement by Tanya Domi, which presents a review of top news throughout the world and...
GOProud, a gay Tea Party GOP group, has again attacked Fred Karger, America’s first openly-gay presidential candidate, essentially for being gay and for discussing LGBT-related issues,...
Rick Perry, a Tea Party Republican candidate for president, is a liar. It’s true. The good, nonpartisan folks at Politifact prove it on a regular basis. Even when...
The whole interview is good. The Palin part starts at about 1:17 in. Via Big Think: “A seasoned campaign reporter, Taibbi also talks about Sarah Palin,...
Leading Republican presidential candidate and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has hired as a senior staffer an Evangelical extremist who sees her rise to the presidency as fulfilling...
Michele Bachmann (allegedly) is palling around with terrorists. At least, Bachmann is palling around with a Republican Evangelical who was arrested for terrorism, and spent 37...
Rick Perry, a Tea Party Republican candidate for president, in New Hampshire today repeated his beliefs that climate change is false, and went two steps further...
Fred Karger is openly-gay, a life-long Republican, Jewish, and running for the GOP nomination for President of the United States of America. Long shot? Hey, you...
The race for Rep. Anthony Weiner’s seat is getting close, with just six points between the Democratic and Republican candidates. David Weprin, the Democrat, is leading...
The Daily Caller’s Matt K. Lewis really wants to have a shot of Bourbon with gay Tea Party Republican group GOProud’s chairman Chris Barron. Or so...
RNC Chair Reince Priebus, who, after his predecessor’s constant embarrassing statements, has laid rather low. And perhaps he should have sat this one out too. When...
Across the country, several Republican lawmakers, politicians, and their operatives have been forced to resign amid scandal this month, as the “family values” “fiscal conservative” party...
Rep. Allen West (R-FL) was just uninvited from a local Florida business group’s meeting, after an LGBT advocacy group took issue with West’s positions and recent...
The New York Times, and writer Erik Eckholm, today published a 1232 word glowing tribute to the anti-gay, anti-Islam SPLC-certified hate group, American Family Association, without...