It's not unusual for one court to refer to another court's rulings in similar cases. But a federal judge seems to be admonishing a higher court's...
The dissenting judge in today's 2-1 6th Circuit decision upholding marriage bans in four states has written a stunning rebuke of her colleagues' work.
The first U.S. Court of Appeals to break a long winning streak has ruled that the State of Michigan can ban same-sex marriage.
After police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed 18-year old Michael Brown, the city of Ferguson hired a public relations representative who had also shot...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg last night said she sees "no urgency" for the Supreme Court to take up a same-sex marriage case right now.
Judge Martin Feldman just became the first federal judge to rule against a same-sex couple since the Supreme Court's DOMA decision last year.
A Tennessee Baptist preacher says that homosexuality is the "most lethal attack we have today against the family," and a "capital offense to God."
The Tea Party of Louisiana embarrassed itself last week when it published a crazy claim about the federal government's Common Core program.
Originally issued earlier this week with 17 signatories, a letter offering support to the family of Michael Brown has grown dramatically. Read the full letter and...
When it becomes legal, same-sex marriage will bring more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars to just thirteen states in the first three years.
Tennessee Republican one-term state Senator Stacey Campfield last night lost his primary battle to a medical doctor.
A 6th Circuit Court of Appeals judge exploded on the lawyer defending Tennessee's same-sex marriage ban yesterday. "What is the point?" of the law she demanded,...
Oral arguments have concluded in today's historic marathon hearing of six same-sex marriage cases bin the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. Listen to all the arguments...
Leading in the 2016 GOP presidential candidate polls, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has decided to embrace his inner far right wing conservative.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate just killed a bill that would gradually raise the minimum wage to $10.10 over two and a half years. Every Senate...