A federal judge has struck down another same-sex marriage ban, this time in Arkansas.
A federal judge has just struck down Montana's ban on same-sex marriage.
A federal judge has slapped down the Westboro Baptist Church's request to intervene in a Kansas same-sex marriage case. The WBC is appealing.
It's not unusual for one court to refer to another court's rulings in similar cases. But a federal judge seems to be admonishing a higher court's...
The dissenting judge in today's 2-1 6th Circuit decision upholding marriage bans in four states has written a stunning rebuke of her colleagues' work.
The first U.S. Court of Appeals to break a long winning streak has ruled that the State of Michigan can ban same-sex marriage.
After police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed 18-year old Michael Brown, the city of Ferguson hired a public relations representative who had also shot...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg last night said she sees "no urgency" for the Supreme Court to take up a same-sex marriage case right now.
Judge Martin Feldman just became the first federal judge to rule against a same-sex couple since the Supreme Court's DOMA decision last year.
A Tennessee Baptist preacher says that homosexuality is the "most lethal attack we have today against the family," and a "capital offense to God."
The Tea Party of Louisiana embarrassed itself last week when it published a crazy claim about the federal government's Common Core program.
Originally issued earlier this week with 17 signatories, a letter offering support to the family of Michael Brown has grown dramatically. Read the full letter and...
When it becomes legal, same-sex marriage will bring more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars to just thirteen states in the first three years.
Tennessee Republican one-term state Senator Stacey Campfield last night lost his primary battle to a medical doctor.
A 6th Circuit Court of Appeals judge exploded on the lawyer defending Tennessee's same-sex marriage ban yesterday. "What is the point?" of the law she demanded,...