'This Is How American Culture Will End' One Staffer Wrote of the Appointment of a Muslim-American Judge
Judge Rules Funeral Home Which Operates as a 'Ministry' Was Legally Entitled to Fire Transgender Employee
Guidelines on Transgender Students Remain in Place - for Now
Senators and Congressmen Express Outrage Over Trump's Remarks
Former Secret Service Agent Says Trump Is 'Coming Pretty Close to the Edge'
Tea Party Republican Rated One of the Most Conservative in Congress Had Waged War on Gays
Fear That Being Known as a School That Practices Discrimination Would Harm Its Ambitious Business Plan May Be the Motivator
The USNS Harvey Milk Will Memorialize the Celebrated Gay Activist and Politician
Republican Lawmakers Secretly Amend Anti-Gay First Amendment Defense Act, Forget To Tell Platform Committee
A Courageous Defender of the Rule of Law in a State that Continues to be Plagued by its Ugly Past
Huge, Potentially Precedent-Setting Decision
As we near the anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell on June 26, 2015, it is well to remember that marriage equality is...
Amendment Would Prohibit Transgender People From Using Restrooms in Accordance With Their Gender Identity
Former GOP Presidential Candidate Returns to Public Eye and He's on a Mission: The Supreme Court and Obamacare
GOP Presumptive Nominee Says There Are 11 People He'd Consider for the Nation's Highest Court