Like ambulance chasing-attorneys, Liberty Counsel is in the business of lurking and looking for the next high-profile conservative Christian offering a potentially money-raising "persecution" story. Kim...
Dan Savage says Kim Davis wants to be a "martyr," and someone should remind her she doesn't work for God.
Kim Davis says she "surrendered" her life "to Jesus Christ" just four years ago - less than one-quarter the amount of time some of the very...
Kim Davis and her brother "in Christ," Casey Davis, the two Kentucky clerks refusing to issue marriage licenses as the law demands, are just the latest...
Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was ordered to begin issuing marriage licenses beginning today, and she has not. She did just re-appeal. What does this...
Ted Cruz brought the full preacher's son persona with him to South Carolina this weekend, where he bellowed against same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court.
An anti-gay activist is calling for supporters to donate $25,000 to help him protect pastors from the "army" of same-sex marriage supporters who have "occupied" Texas.
A Texas Universalist Church provided sanctuary to LGBT activist Sulma Franco after she was scheduled for deportation to Guatemala, a place known to be responsible for...
A federal judge has just refused to stay his ruling ordering a Kentucky clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but is giving her time...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton got more bad legal news today: he might be charged with contempt of court over a gay man's death certificate.
Ken Paxton, the Attorney General for the State of Texas, has just been arrested booked after a grand jury indicted him.
Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa has created an entire new industry. Too bad he doesn't understand the concept of consent.
A District Judge in Pennsylvania allows a Ten Commandments monument to remain on public school grounds because the plaintiffs in the case could not prove they...
A Georgia pastor's explosive rant that went viral on YouTube says he was taken out of context. He doesn't support equality, he just hates hypocrisy. But...
One of the greatest match-ups in the world of modern politics has to be top liberal journalist Rachel Maddow interviewing one of the most right-wing anti-gay...