var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Matt Baume, reporting for AFER, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, notes “it’s now been two and a half years since our opponents last...
Above is “a comparison of the unemployment rates in the first 42 months of the Reagan and Obama presidencies.” Republican U.S. Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, who ran...
When a judge ordered the release of the so-called National Organization for Marriage’s anti-gay, race-baiting strategy documents, the towering civil rights leader Julian Bond said, “It confirmed a suspicion...
Republican U.S. Congressman Mike Pence likened today’s Supreme Court ruling on “Obamacare” to the 9/11 attacks that killed 2996 people and injured more than 6000 others....
The Republicans’ Problem Imagine you are Mitt Romney, running as a Republican for president. Your net worth is about $250 million. The people most eager to...
At the end of March, 2012, National Organization for Marriage internal strategy documents were released through court order. NOM’s documents described a repugnant strategy of “driving...
It is commonly alleged that today’s Republican Party employs ruthless strategies to scare middle class voters into voting Republican, though doing so works mainly against those...
A Virginia House Republican lawmaker, Del. Robert G. Marshall, told CNN that “Sodomy is not a civil right,” offering the false statement as his defense for blocking the judicial...
An über-conservative pundit who writes for the über-conservative Washington Times claims that via voter fraud, Democratic Senator Al Franken stole the election from Republican Norm Coleman, and...
“Feminism†with a capital “F†is making a roaring comeback, thanks to the Republican War On Women: misogyny on steroids. It’s time we demand a new...
Editor’s note: We are proud and excited that GetEQUAL’s new Chair is Tanya Domi, a tireless LGBT and civil rights activist, Columbia University professor, and the...
Louie Gohmert, the GOP U.S. Congressman from Texas best known for coining the phrase “terror babies,” today said that ENDA is part of President Obama’s ongoing...
Virginia House Republican lawmaker, Del. Robert G. Marshall, told a Tea Party audience on Thursday that being gay “cuts your life by about 20 years,” which absolutely is a...
Bob McDonnell believes that “pro-life” only applies to the unborn. Once you’re born, he’s more than happy to enable your killers. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has...
As recently reported, Tennessee State Representative John Ragan has been making counter-factual claims about gay human beings. This reporter e-mailed Representative Ragan, asking him to provide...