var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Thousands of same-sex marriage supporters — gay and straight — including some of the 1360 same-sex couples who recently married, flooded the...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Apparently, there’s an emergency in the great state of Virginia. High school students are having too much oral and anal sex, and...
President Barack Obama was a surprise stand-in for Vice President Joe Biden, and Jennifer Lopez was the recipient of the 2013 Ally for Equality Award, at...
Pay very close attention to the race for governor of Virginia over the next four weeks. Ken Cuccinelli, the rabidly anti-gay, anti-women, anti-freedom attorney general who...
Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy has just filed an amendment to the immigration reform bill that would support the rights of same-sex bi-national couples. Language in the...
U.S. Democratic Senator Mark Pryor say he is “opposed to gay marriage,” and always has been. Pryor, who gave an interview last week, clarified his comments...
Here at The New Civil Rights Movement, we’ve worked hard to ensure our readers understand just how deep the anti-gay Christian right is embedded into Republican...
The list of comparisons Christian conservatives have made up to respond to the Supreme Court’s decisions last week supporting the rights of same-sex couples to marry...
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issues a one sentence opinion, lifting its stay, enabling marriages between same sex couples to resume immediately With brevity in...
North Carolina state Tea Party Republican lawmakers have filed a bill to allow the state to establish an official state religion. The move is a direct...
Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter (left) and Speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives Chuck Kleckley I’m certain that most of the people in the state of Louisiana...
The U.S. Supreme Court just announced it will not hear a challenge to the Affordable Care Act filed by Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. In a shocking...
An East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana sheriff reportedly is allowing his deputies to set up stings targeting gay men, then arresting them, essentially for dating or...
Republican U.S. Senator Rand Paul, clearly gearing up for a 2016 presidential run, recently hired David Lane of the anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, to be his director...
Professor Katherine Franke takes on the thorny issues of how divorce between gay and lesbian couples will confront stereotypical notions of gender and what that could...