"The American people have right to know if the vice president of the United States or his family profited from his position."
Literally not one word of Trump's tweet is true.
"He is lashing out and accusing everyone of treason."
At least six countries have warned their citizens about gun violence and mass shootings in the U.S.
'A Weak and Insecure Racist'
"Gee, if they say, 'We don't like your opponent,' am I supposed to put the President of France, a, I supposed to report him to the...
President Attacks Biden, Praises Treasonous General
Anti-LGBT Hard Core Conservative Indicted by Federal Grand Jury
"People hate the word invasion, but that’s what it is," Trump said. So did the terror suspect.
'Never Seems to Know What She’s Talking About'
"Those of us who work with paranoid patients understand the insistent need to find an enemy, to see an exaggerated form of danger."
Some of Trump's top supporters within the religious right support the criminalization of homosexuality here in the United States.
A closer look at Trump's "I'd follow him off a cliff" supporters.
Experts warned Trump all along that Kim sees nuclear weapons as an essential tactic for his own survival.
"These migrants are not legitimate asylum seekers," Trump said.