'That Wasn't a Conspiracy, That Was Democracy'
Trump Claims We 'Have No Choice!' Which He Always Says When We Do
The president of the United States began his morning with a message, utilizing caps-lock, for rapper and businessman Jay-Z.
Donald Trump signed a letter advising African leaders that he "deeply respects" the people of Africa ahead of this weekend's African Union summit.
'The Laws Allow a Baby to Be Born From His or Her Mother's Womb in the Ninth Month. It Is Wrong. It Has to Change' Trump...
Five Crazy Tweets in 36 Minutes
Republican Senator Rand Paul joined NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday to defend Donald Trump's racist remarks.
President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, condemned Donald Trump's racist remarks on immigration.
Resigns on Principle
Durbin Says Trump Used the 'Vile and Vulgar Comments' Repeatedly
'I Have a Wonderful Relationship With Haitians' Trump Insists
Trump Tries to Walk Back Racist Remarks
Press Secretary Even Tells Reporter Her Mind Is 'In the Gutter'
Tillerson Says Around the World Attacks on Transgender People Often 'Are Perpetrated by Government Officials, Undermining the Rule of Law'
Speaker Denounces 'Homosexualist Gay Terrorism'