'Today’s Hearing Is Just Another Victory Notch in Putin’s Belt'
Trump refuses to label Putin a foe, an adversary, an enemy, despite his past and current attacks on the U.S. electoral system.
'Why Isn’t Hillary/Russia Being Looked at? So Many Questions, So Much Corruption!'
Joint Military Exercises With South Korea Have Been Going on Since 1950's
Even as Her Father Was Actively Campaigning for President Ivanka Trump Was Working to Seal a Trump Tower Moscow Deal
'We’ve Drawn a Line on Racism. But I Don’t Think We Should Extend That Line' to Include LGBT People
Donald Trump is known for his Twitter attacks. He’s attacked and berated world leaders, Republicans, Democrats, the FBI, his chosen cabinet, journalists, newspapers, the cast of...
"Mr. Gorbachev, please talk to me about what you want to do with this wall of yours. You know, someday."
President Trump is being vociferously mocked and attacked as “DO NOT CONGRATULATE-gate” is well into day two. After new broke that the U.S. President congratulated Russian...
'DO NOT CONGRATULATE' Briefing Materials Read
'Maybe They're Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews - Just With a Russian Citizenship'
President Vladimir Putin says Russia has developed a new “invincible” nuclear missile that can “reach anywhere in the world,” according to the BBC. Claiming the U.S. missile shield...
'Practically Unlimited Range and an Unpredictable Flight Path'
Kremlin Calls US Report a 'Direct and Obvious Attempt to Influence the Elections'
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a New Year's telegram to Donald Trump asking for constructive dialogue between the United States and Russia.