Russia's use of U.S. social media was far more extensive than first understood.
Established ties with both the NRA and the GOP.
"The subversion of an American election by a foreign power, colluding with – in conspiracy with – the President's campaign."
Butina bragged that she was a channel between Team Trump and the Kremlin.
"When you are overcome with feelings of powerlessness, this type of cartoonish, exaggerated force is often more important than true ability."
Quoting Bible Verses Leaves the Door Open for a Religious Smackdown
Demand Would Disenfranchise Some Military Members
French President Emmanuel Macron took a moment in his speech at Armistice Day in France to speak out against the rise of nationalism.
China Has Figured Out Who Trump Talks to and Is Using Them to Influence the President
Trump National Security Advisor Cozies Up to Russia
Admiral Mike Rogers Speaks Publicly for First Time Since Leaving Trump Administration
Jeff Sessions may have lied to congress about Trump campaign involvement with Russia
As part of a eulogy for John McCain, a conservative columnist for the Washington Post called on McCain's colleagues to push back against Trump.
"Let the others go and vote," one of the men says. "We have more important things to do."
Donald Trump took to Twitter, admitting to probable collusion with Russia.