The Wall Street Journal two weeks ago characterized an anti-same-sex marriage equality campaign by the National Organization For Marriage (NOM), as “deceptive,” and, even after a...
The “firing” of the Florida teacher who wrote on his Facebook wall that learning that New York had legalized same-sex marriage almost made him throw up,...
From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and children. Full-fledged Republican...
Frank Schaeffer (author of “Sex, Mom & God”), today on MSNBC says Bachmann’s beliefs will be a liability when Americans find out how radical her religious...
Former NFL Giant David Tyree, who lives in New Jersey but feels he has a “voice” in New York’s marriage equality debate, says in this video...
Betty Ford, former First Lady, popular and outspoken wife of the late President Gerald R. Ford, a woman who became the nation’s leading advocate for treatment of...
Five of the seven Republican presidential candidates at Monday night’s GOP debate said they want a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Michele...
A great moment in Democratic Party politics occurred at ‘High Noon’ on Friday when the so-called “budget impasse” between the House, the Senate, and the White House was...
Ultra-homophobe Rick Santorum, who just this morning announced he is officially seeking the Republican nomination for president, has spent a good portion of his political life...
Calling for state constitutional bans on same-sex marriage, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), almost certain to announce her 2012 candidacy for president this month, falsely branded Planned...
Rep. Allen West (R-FL) appeared Friday at the Eagle Forum Collegians, a sparsely attended conservative event focused on like-minded conservative college students sharing their bigotry. West,...
 Eurozone crisis pushes Greece to form a Unity government, New Jersey court rules civil unions challenge may continue, is a zygote a person? International Eurozone Sovereign...
Have you ever wondered if, just as people are “born this way,” to be gay, they may also be “born this way” to be conservative or...
John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House, the man next in line for the presidency after the Vice President, the man who spent the better...
Sally Kern, the homophobic Oklahoma state legislator who last week made racist and misogynistic comments on the House floor, has received an official rebuke from her...