Vice President Kamala Harris loves to cook, once hosted a YouTube series, “Cooking With Kamala,” and has been photographed many times, often with her husband, Second...
Joe Rogan, the “king of podcasting,” who recently signed a new, $250 million deal with Spotify – after his 2022 $200 million Spotify agreement – isn’t...
During and after Donald Trump’s “rambling, weird, scary,” and “lie-filled” press conference Thursday afternoon, reporters, casual observers, political experts, and even his own former aide, expressed...
Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation reportedly executed a search warrant on far-right freshman U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) late last week. Details are sparse...
In the fifteen days since President Joe Biden pulled out of his re-election campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, voters have increasingly grown even more...
Florida hasn’t voted for a Democrat for president in over a decade. It hasn’t sent a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in just as long. Out...
The U.S. Congressman who represents the district Trump vice-presidential running mate JD Vance lives in says the first-term Republican U.S. Senator’s “views and beliefs” do not...
Speaking before thousands of cheering and screaming supporters in must-win Wisconsin, Kamala Harris defined herself and her campaign for President in her first rally after President...
In 2008, as the Democratic National Convention approached, eyes were not only on the party’s presumptive nominee, but on his top challenger, Hillary Clinton, as many...
U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) declared Monday he is advocating for Christian nationalism, a far-right ideology that claims there is no separation of church and state...
For the better part of a year Donald Trump has used his indictments, and civil and criminal court cases to complain about not being able to...
U.S. Rep. Jake Auchincloss frustrated John Roberts on Monday, as the veteran Fox News host kept trying to convince the Massachusetts Democratic Congressman to turn against...
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) responded to Monday’s Supreme Court decision finding presidents have far greater immunity against criminal prosecution than even the Founders appear to...
After Thursday night’s disastrous debate, President Joe Biden is ignoring calls to replace him on the ballot, instead focusing on former President Donald Trump’s lies during...
Over two-thirds of nonvoters in the 2020 election think the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a new poll. The New York Times/Siena...