Southern Baptist Pastor Jody Hice, who claims there is a homosexual plot to sodomize children and says the First Amendment does not apply to Islam, just...
In a shocking, racist whitewashing of history, the Southern Baptist Convention's Richard Land claims that Americans didn't bring the institution of slavery to North America, but...
The New York Giants today hired David Tyree, a hero of Super Bowl XLII, an outspoken anti-gay marriage activist who attempted to swing New York State's...
It's hard to explain the effect of a dog whistle call to violence when it's directed at you. You'll have to read this one for yourself.
In several key House and Senate races this year, the winner may look familiar to voters -- because he's also been their pastor or faith leader.
Republican Congresswoman Renee Ellmers says that men need to dumb down their conversations because women aren't able to understand pie charts.
The esteemed Pew Research Center has a new interactive survey of 23 short, quick questions. And them and find put where your beliefs land.
Actor, author, and activist George Takei is urging Americans to boycott Hobby Lobby, after the $2 billion chain of craft stores won a Supreme Court contraception...
The U.S Supreme Court has just handed down a narrow ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, in essence declaring some corporations have religious liberty -- and,...
Mike Huckabee told attendees at NOM's March for Marriage that Martin Luther King, Jr. would have opposed same-sex marriage and equal rights for LGBT people just...
On Saturday the right wing Tea Party group Texas Eagle Forum achieved its goal: support for so-called “ex-gay†or “reparative†therapy became an official plank of...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night, with surgical precision, sliced, diced, and effectively demolished a Texas Republican lawmaker’s false claims about so-called “ex-gay†or “reparative†therapy. The Lone Star...
Responding to great public outcry, HGTV has pulled the plug on plans to create a new reality TV show starring two brothers — twins — at...
The Chief Justice of the Alabama state Supreme Court traveled to Mississippi to deliver a speech in front of the Pastors for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored...
Republican state Representative Steve Hickey was motivated to write a rambling and incoherent letter to the editor after news broke of a lesbian couple in his...