So much for Pope Francis I‘s “Who am I to judge?” perspective on gay people. If the 30 Catholic Archbishops in the United States were ranked...
Tea Party Rep. Steve King (R-IA) blames former President Ronald Reagan for President Barack Obama‘s presidency. The ultra-conservative, outspoken Republican says if Reagan had not granted...
Rick Santorum has become increasingly fractious and hyperbolic. The professional 365-day a year Tea Party candidate permanently running for the Republican nomination for president is quickly...
Antonin Scalia may be the left’s least-favorite U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice. Caustic, harsh, and lacking empathy, Scalia is known for his claim of being a...
Now that it seems like the Supreme Court is paving a way for same-sex marriage, should every same-sex couple who wants to marry sue for their...
How many civil rights did the Texas state senate violate this week as they had a pro-choice woman speaking in front of them physically removed from...
Bill O’Reilly is waging a war against Blacks — especially single Black mothers. It’s a frighteningly racist — and heinously self-serving attack. O’Reilly actually said that being...
Guest author Lon Newman, is president Wisconsin’s Family Planning Health Services, which administers the federally funded WIC program in Wisconsin, a nutrition program that helps families feed...
Pope Francis gave hope to millions of progressives worldwide, including the LGBT community and our allies, that the Roman Catholic Church would change into the religious...
At yesterday’s House Ways and Means Committee hearing on the IRS, six conservative groups — five Tea Party organizations and NOM, the National Organization For Marriage...
John Boehner at a Thursday press conference shockingly admitted the reason — at least one of them — Â that he is supporting DOMA in court is...
Pat Robertson says that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger “set the stage for Adolph Hitler,” and accuses the “evil” organization of “genocide.” The televangelist made his...
The majority of Americans support the right of same-sex couples to marry. The majority of Americans support an inclusive ENDA. The majority of Americans support a...
The two-year old Kentucky girl who was accidentally shot by her five-year old brother with a Crickett brand “My First Rifle” survived for “more than an...
Steve King just announced he will not run for the U.S. Senate. The Tea Party Republican Congressman from Iowa had been deliberating but made the announcement...