Google created this fascinating infographic to track what issues — guns, gay marriage, abortion, the national debt, jobs, and marijuana legalization — matter to each region...
Todd Akin told supporters at a town hall that he believes employers should have the right to pay women less and the government should not enforce...
Claiming minorities have “commandeered” civil rights, Ann Coulter says that civil rights are not for gays or immigrants, civil rights are only “for Blacks,” because of slavery....
In 2007, while running for the Republican nomination for president, Mitt Romney sat with conservative radio host Jan Mikelson of WHO-Iowa, and discussed many topics, including Mormonism....
// <![CDATA[ var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; // ]]>Andrew Sullivan declares the Republican Party as “unfit for government,” “fanatics,” and the party of “constitutional and economic vandalism.” Sullivan, the...
The Values Voters Summit began today and it was a doozy. LGBT people and our rights were certainly demonized and trivialized, as were African-Americans, and women, but...
Via PBS: Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, spoke to the DNC Wednesday night, addressing the topic of women’s health and touching on...
Folks, tonight, Wednesday, I’ll be on Yetta Kurland Live! The show starts at 10:00 PM ET. I’ll be on starting at 10:30. We’ll be discussing Rep. Todd...
In 2006, Congressman Todd Akin stood on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to beg Congress “to preserve our civilization” by voting for a...
Several anti-gay groups and their representatives wasted no time in actually blaming the LGBT community and/or liberals and progressives for this morning’s shooting at the Family...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; GOP lawmakers in Michigan are pushing for a tax credit for unborn fetuses twelve weeks or older. Democrats are calling the proposed...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; American Christian evangelist and missionary Franklin Graham says Americans “turned our back on God” by re-electing Barack Obama, and need to “resurrect...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bill O’Reilly last night said he agrees one hundred percent that the so-called “War on Christmas” is really a cover for the promotion...
Ann Romney today on ABC’s “The View” said that her husband Mitt Romney serving as a Mormon missionary in Paris, France, in the late 1960’s was...
Ann Coulter, of course, was “just kidding,” no doubt, when she wrote today via Twitter, “Last Thursday was national ‘coming out’ day. This Monday is national...