Tim Pawlenty, the anti-gay former Republican Governor of Minnesota, late Sunday night posted a very Madison Avenued Google-like video on YouTube, announcing he is running for...
President Obama announces U.S. troops in Iraq will be home by the holidays, Herman Cain declares homosexuality is a choice, Qaddafi dies, last moments captured in a riveting...
 NYC police aggressively arrest Occupy Wall Street activists, while the movement goes global with actions in Berlin, London, Rome & Tokyo; American jobs bill dies in Congress and a Ugandan lesbian activist honored by human...
It was a week that began with a yawn, thanks to one of the most boring, least gay, and least political Oscar shows in memory –then...
Have you ever wondered if, just as people are “born this way,” to be gay, they may also be “born this way” to be conservative or...
As we head toward the long (and, reportedly, hot) Memorial Day weekend, a shout-out to our LGBT brothers and sisters, still suffering under Don’t Ask, Don’t...
This weekend – some important reminders for our New York City-area friends! First, The Amazingly Queer Race For Economic Justice! It’s taking place in New York City...
Editor’s note: For the most up-to-date news on Uganda’s Kill The Gays bill, visit our Uganda section. Pastor Martin Ssempa, the top religious advocate for the...
Last night, Fox News’ birther-conspiracy theory pusher Sean Hannity repeatedly told his guests and his audience how he never really believed the birthers. But Hannity, who...
The Uganda “Kill The Gays” bill, infamous around the world for its provision mandating the death penalty for anyone convicted of the “crime” of homosexuality, anyone convicted...
Just as Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) claimed Matthew Shepard’s hate-crime murder was the by-product of a robbery, police in Kampala, Uganda, are calling LGBT activist David...
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 22, 2011 EARTH DAY, 2011 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...
The United Nations takes historical steps in support of LGBT human rights,  the Centers for Disease Control reports  epidemic sexual and intimate partner violence toward  American...
United We Win: Memorial Day Weekend At The New Civil Rights Movement  “A message about food from the President of the United States.” President Harry Truman...
For the second time, a U.S. federal court has barred the government from enforcing Don’t Ask,Don’t Tell (DADT), the military’s ban on open-sevice by gay, lesbian,...