var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; A Republican candidate for the Florida House is calling for the arrest and execution by hanging of President Barack Obama for treason...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Sarah Palin‘s modus operandi has regressed from speaking out from a cloud of ignorance on issues of great national importance, to issuing statements on Facebook,...
Two critical Obamacare landmarks have just appeared, further ensuring the success of the law and of Democrats in the November mid-term elections. First, the number of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Remember Tea Party Republican Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s epic meltdown Tuesday night, when Rachel Maddow invoked actual journalism on him? Remember how he...
President Barack Obama was a surprise stand-in for Vice President Joe Biden, and Jennifer Lopez was the recipient of the 2013 Ally for Equality Award, at...
President Obama today delivered the most gay-inclusive inaugural speech in history, perhaps one of the most gay-inclusive speeches by a major political leader ever. And while...
President Barack Obama today spoke on “common-sense measures to reduce gun violence.” Full video and transcript. WATCH: Newtown Parent: ‘It’s Alway’s Somebody Else’s School — Until...
A top national conservative magazine with a considerable and respectable past has increasingly gone the racist and now post-birther route, labeling President Barack Obama “queer” and proclaiming...
Today, as the heat approached one-hundred degrees in Washington, D.C., some conservatives’ heads apparently felt the temperatures were more than double that, as they went ballistic...
Last month, President Barack Obama nominated James “Wally†Brewster, Jr. to become the ambassador to the Dominican Republic. A real estate mogul, Brewster is also National...
America is in the throes of a wave of “black-on-white violence” and clearly it’s President Barack Obama‘s fault, according to octogenarian televangelist Pat Robertson. “We are...
Proving there is no distance too far the right will go to attack Obama, gay conservative Kevin DuJan claims that President Barack Obama is gay and...
President Barack Obama is “setting up the stage to take guns away from evangelicals,” according to Bryan Fischer, who says Christians have already been classified as...
President Barack Obama is shown in the situation room of the White House today discussing the Boston Marathon bombing manhunt and investigation. READ:Â Boston Bombing Suspect Manhunt:...
Conservative pundit Pat Dollard last night and again this morning said via Twitter that President Bill Clinton was to blame for the 9/11 attacks, President Barack...