President Barack Obama apparently has a bit of extra time in his schedule after canceling his meeting with Vladimir Putin, and will meet with Russian LGBT...
President Barack Obama tonight is delivering the State of the Union address, technically his fourth, but the fifth time he is speaking on the state of...
Today, President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden revealed a comprehensive program to curb gun violence, including 23 executive orders and legislation they urge Congress to...
President Barack Obama today said, “I do not think it’s appropriate to boycott the Olympics,” and added, “If Russia doesn’t have gay or lesbian athletes, it...
Mitt Romney‘s son Tagg confessed he wanted to “jump out of” his seat, “rush down there to the debate stage” and “take a swing at” President...
Gary Bauer told the audience at the Values Voters Summit that President Obama’s voters are mostly welfare recipients. Bauer, the former president of the Family Research Council, which...
The 2012 presidential, House, and Senate elections all come down to one big, huge, life-changing, generation-affecting issue: who sits on the Supreme Court and which way...
In an offensively James O’Keefe style, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today uploaded a selectively and inaccurately edited copy of portions of Michelle Obama‘s DNC speech...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 49% — or all but half — of all Republican voters believe ACORN stole the 2012 election for President Obama, a drop...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Obama tomorrow will lunch with the person GQ magazine has named its “Least Influential” person of 2012: Mitt Romney. The lunch tip...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Human Rights First, an international human rights organization, is calling on President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to help stop Uganda‘s Kill...
Mary Matalin calls President Obama a “political narcissistic sociopath” who “leveraged fear and ignorance.” Matalin, the rancorous GOP strategist you’ve seen on TV a gazillion times, is...
Donald Trump, a top surrogate and fundraiser for Mitt Romney, is now using the 17 people who died during Hurricane Sandy to promote his failed $5 million...
President Barack Obama has a new “official” song and video, “Forward,” and the reason it’s pretty awesome is probably because it’s from the executive producer behind 2008’s...
Nate Silver, who runs the New York Times’ FiveThirtyEight blog, now gives President Obama a 73.1% chance of winning re-election — up more than two points —...