The AIDS Memorial Quilt was created in 1987 and now holds more than 94,000 names among more than 47,000 panels. Last week, a portion of the quilt was...
President Barack Obama issued a statement early this morning in response to the mass murder in Aurora, Colorado that left 12-14 dead and 50 wounded. “Michelle...
Chuck Norris told Mike Huckabee on Saturday night that if President Obama is re-elected, the liberal judges he appoints “will eliminate gun control,” which will “jeopardize our Second...
Rush Limbaugh today strongly suggested that (what he claims is) President Obama‘s “constant warfare on bosses and so forth might have led this guy to pull...
New York Times’ FiveThirtyEight blogger and statistician extraordinaire, Nate Silver, just before midnight calculated President Obama‘s chances of winning as 80.9%, the highest number in weeks....
Mitt Romney today suggested President Obama will remove “In God We Trust” from U.S. currency, a direct nod to the Tea Party and to anti-Islam extremists — who...
President Barack Obama in February, 2011, put his official, long-time belief into practice, repeating that not only did he think the federal Defense of Marriage Act...
Now that president Obama has won, and America has decided hate is bad, and being pro-choice, pro-women, pro-gays, pro-minorities pro-people over corporations, pro-jobs, and pro-health care...
President Barack Obama departs his Hawaii vacation for a tortured return of jousting with House Republicans who are bent on taking the country over the fiscal...
Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, speaking with FRC President Tony Perkins, painted President Obama as a communist “dead set†on “destroying families.†The...
A Fox News Radio article, in an attempt to both politicize and religicize 9/11,  is attacking President Obama because his 9/11 proclamation does not include the word “God.” Recognizing...
The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting an exclusive tonight that President Barack Obama is urging the Illinois State legislature to adopt marriage equality during its lame duck...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Barack Obama late Sunday afternoon met with the families of the victims of the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, and took time to hold...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bradlee Dean appears to be claiming that President Obama appointed Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure same-sex marriage will become...
Despite Florida‘s despicable election system and the fact that they are the only state to not have finished their election day counting (New York and New...