Editor’s note: Read our update — “Fraud? Voting Machine That Changed Obama Votes To Romney Votes Removed From Service“ A Pennsylvania Obama voter says he selected...
President Barack Obama yesterday afternoon went to the headquarters of the Red Cross to thank them for their efforts in the face of the largest hurricane...
Barack Obama is in Iowa today, and the Obama campaign team posted this awesome photo of the President high-fiving the most adorable kid in the state....
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just endorsed President Obama for re-election, citing the President’s record on same-sex marriage and women’s rights, and the belief Obama...
Today President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly that murdered U.N. Ambassador Chris Stevens “was killed in the city that he helped to save” and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Time magazine has chosen President Barack Obama as the “Person of the Year,” and in describing their choice, delivers two stunning slams to...
I understand that this election will affect the right of every woman to choose for herself how to govern her body. I know that it will...
President Barack Obama today announced his support for Washington state’s marriage equality law, Referendum 74, which would extend civil marriage equality to same-sex couples. “While the...
Republican U.S. Senatorial candidate Linda McMahon, desperately trying to pick up a few votes in the race she’s clearly losing to Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy, has...
The New York Times’ Nate Silver continues to increase his predictions of a President Obama win, and now gives Obama an 83.7% chance of a second...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Barack Obama took the opportunity at the annual pardoning of the White House turkey this afternoon to crack jokes about Mitt Romney‘s...
Judson Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest tea Party groups, yesterday in a published email to supporters strongly suggested that President...
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who signed into law SB 1070, a racial-profiling anti-immigrant law, is accusing President Obama of race baiting and “pandering” for the Latino vote. Via...
Below is the full text of Sarah Palin‘s comments to President Barack Obama on yesterday’s attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and Cairo, Egypt, which resulted in the deaths...
Larry Klayman is calling President Barack Obama the “Mullah In Chief” and says that the President’s re-election has made Christians and “Americans of faith” (albeit presumably...