Usually we get major speeches ahead of time and often publish them in full once the embargo is lifted, but here we have the ability to...
GOProud, the gay Republican Tea Party group, today “enthusiastically” endorsed de-facto Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, claiming the 65-year old is “light years better” than Barack Obama. Mysteriously,...
Three top-level Obama Administration officials have come out publicly in support of same-sex marriage equality, including Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday, and Education Secretary Arne...
Tea Party Republican U.S. Congressman Mike Coffman from Colorado told a group of supporters last week that President Barack Obama is “just not an American.” He...
Paul Cameron during a radio show last week implied that President Barack Obama may be gay and suggested that as the reason he came out in...
Moments ago, President Obama came out in support of same-sex marriage equality. Reactions from LGBT-related organizations have been flooding in. We’ll keep updating this post throughout...
CNN has again tapped Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, to explain to the public President Barack Obama‘s evolution on same-sex marriage. CNN...
Don’t hold your breath for a presidential endorsement of gay marriage this year. Houston Mayor Annise Parker said she would be “shocked” and “surprised” if President Obama were to...
Sarah Palin apparently has gone so “Rogue” she is back to talking about Death Panels and now has a new name for herself. No longer “Maverick,”...
An über-conservative pundit who writes for the über-conservative Washington Times claims that via voter fraud, Democratic Senator Al Franken stole the election from Republican Norm Coleman, and...
Rick Santorum, who apparently believes the President’s job centers on abortion and gay marriage, says that he finds it “almost remarkable” that a black man —...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who previously had been on the record opposing same-sex marriage, today joined with President Barack Obama in announcing support for the...
The excellent folks over at Buzzfeed just released this infographic that shows — in step-by-step graphic detail — what will happen when the Supreme Court rules,...
Republican Tea Party U.S. Congressman Jeff Landry of Louisiana says that President Obama is giving Muslims “waivers” and “special rights” to bypass TSA regulations at the airport....
Sarah Palin said last night on Fox that President Barack Obama’s “goose is cooked” after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker survived his recall election yesterday. Palin, the forty-​eight...