THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary January 4, 2012 Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery Shaker Heights...
Mitt Romney‘s birth certificate reads: “Certificate of Live Birth,” just like President Obama’s birth certificate. One of the birther movement’s sticking points has been that the...
Donald Trump, the King of the Birthers, has announced he is planning to put up as much as $10 million to establish an anti-Obama Super PAC...
Bishop Harry Jackson on Friday said that President Obama is in an “adulterous relationship” with African-Americans that is “dishonoring of the African American and Hispanic clergy,” because of...
Award-winning actress, “Glee” star, and lesbian Jane Lynch narrates a just-released Obama For America campaign ad titled “President Obama and the Fight for LGBT Rights.” The...
Editor’s note 05.16.2012 9:55 AM: Journalist who interviewed Pacquiao now says Pacquiao didn’t say gays “must be put to death,” he just included the Leviticus quote to...
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, under federal investigation, has just released the “findings” of his six-month long “five-page investigation” into President Barack Obama‘s birth certificate, announcing he...
President Barack Obama called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)Â Monday evening at a fundraiser headlined by the popular singer Ricky Martin, who,...
A famous donor has dropped his support for Mitt Romney‘s campaign, asked for a refund, and thrown his support to Barack Obama after the President announced his...
President Barack Obama beginning at 12:30 PM ET today delivers the commencement address at Barnard College, and, along with Evan Wolfson, the founder of Freedom To Marry,...
Today after President Obama said he now supports same-sex marriage, Catholic League President Bill Donohue fear-mongered with suggestions that polygamy will be the next step in...
Six years after his 1996 offering of “unequivocal support for gay marriage,†President Barack Obama today announced once again his support for same-sex marriage. Read our...
Republicans and the radical religious right wing have staged an all-too-expected freak out over the news today that President Obama now support same-sex marriage. The headline...
Today, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation designating January 16 as “Religious Freedom Day.” This is a standard, as each president over many decades has declared...
President Obama is expected to discuss his views on same-sex marriage in an interview slated for this afternoon with Robin Roberts of ABC News. Gay marriage has...