To tell you why I’m voting for Barack Obama, I first have to explain to you why I’m a Democrat. I was very, very young when...
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mitt Romney, who has been running for president since about five seconds after he was born, has been dreaming of this...
When Scott Roeder assassinated Wichita, Kansas based physician and abortion provider George Tiller on Sunday, May 31, 2009, I was understandably upset. Violence of this type...
Lisa Dahlkvist, midfielder for Sweden’s 2012 Olympic women’s soccer team, has been surrounded by football her entire life. Her father, Sven Dahlkvist, was himself an accomplished...
This is the seventh in a series of articles profiling known out and proud Olympic athletes who are openly LGBT. The New Civil Rights Movement will publish one article...
This is the third in a series of articles profiling known out and proud Olympic athletes who are openly LGBT. The New Civil Rights Movement will publish one article...
It’s odd when someone like Andrew Breitbart dies. The day before, when news of the passing Davy Jones reached my desk, I knew precisely how to...
Without genuine bravery, all of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s brashness amounts to nothing more than the predictable disrespect and petulant tantrum throwing of a standard...
In its day, William F. Buckley, Jr.’s National Review was highly admired and influential — regardless of your personal political stance. That was in the early...
From Fred Phelps to Tony Perkins to Bryan Fischer to Rick Santorum to Rick Perry, “God hates fags” — the concept — is at the very...
As the South Carolina Primary approaches, and the prospect of Willard Mitt Romney becoming the Republican nominee begins to become more and more inevitable, the game...
I never really liked John Edwards. Long before the world came to know Senator Edwards for the craven, corrupt, philandering narcissist that he is, there was...
The Fox News pundit who this week suggested women soldiers stop complaining about being raped has a history of inflammatory comments, including anti-gay comments, comments supporting...
Rep. Vern Buchanan, Republican U.S. Congressman from Florida, is sending lying, anti-gay mailers to his constituents and he’s making you pay for them with your tax...
A white supremacist –or more specifically, a “white nationalist” — will be part of one of the first panel discussions at this weekend’s CPAC, which begins...