After the Photo of Porter's Ex-Wife With a Black Eye Was Released the White House Invited Reporters to Chat With Rob Porter
Donald Trump opted to stay in Washington D.C. this weekend, a rarity for this president. As such, he's been pretty active on Twitter.
One More Example of the President Profiting Off Being President
President Says Gillibrand "Would Come to My Office 'Begging' for Campaign Contributions Not So Long Ago (And Would Do Anything for Them)"
At Least 10 Women Democratic Senators Say Franken Should Go
Seven of 21 Women US Senators So Far Have Called for Franken to Resign
Trump in 2016: 'I Said It. I Was Wrong. And I Apologize.' Trump in 2017: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
'I'm Not Under Investigation, as You Know' Trump Claims
Trump advised he won't fail in dealing with Kim Jong Un like previous presidents did when he was eight years old.
Donald Trump, on his 68th day at a golf course and 88th day at a Trump property since assuming the presidency, attacked the 'fake news' and...
Donald Trump returned to Twitter Saturday afternoon to attack the free press and Democrats for the federal government's abysmal response to the destruction of Puerto Rico.
'Wut? The Daily Caller Is Anti Semitic? I'm Shocked I Tell You, Shocked'
Trump Won White House in Large Part Over Clinton's Use of Private Email
Secretary Tom Price Just Last Week Spent $60,000 on Private Planes at Taxpayer Expense