The End Of DOMA? It must be tough living in constant fear of gay marriage. Seriously. Imagine what it’s like to live the life of Maggie... Takes A Broader Look At Marriage Equality’s “Inevitability.” Today, in “Same-Sex Marriage is Still Inevitable,” Michael A. Jones, a writer I respect immensely, looks at...
Maggie Gallagher’s NOM Thanks Colbert For Embarrassing Them   No lie: HuffPo reports that Maggie Gallagher and her partner-in-slime Brian Brown sent Stephen Colbert a...
This past Wednesday, in yet another “extraordinary session” – that’s where the Governor tells the Legislature they haven’t done their job and they need to come...
This is Part I. You can read Part II here. There’s much to be said about the stunning – and it was stunning – defeat of...
Same Sex Marriage Loses In The Pine Tree State Gay marriage has been put to a vote and the voters seem to have said, “No.” Maine...
You know how you can identify a professional operation? Read their press releases. Then read one from the National Organization For Marriage. Say, this one: “NATIONAL...
Marriage Rates Have Dropped 20% Since DOMA We know “death panels” are a lie. Pity we don’t have them for immoral laws. DOMA and DADT would...
States Offering Full Marriage Equality Have Lowest Rates Of Child Homelessness Editor’s note: This piece originally ran on Father’s Day, 2009. There are 2.9 million children...
What Started As A Slow Day Has Become A Bonfire Of Gay News **UPDATE: Now With Prejean Video** First, TMZ reports that Miss California, know to...
**UPDATE 5:30 PM** Governor John Lynch, calling it a “great day for all New Hampshire families” signs the gay marriage bill into law. Today, after many...
New Hampshire And New York Votes Are About To Happen  Yeah, I know, you’ve heard that line somewhere before. But this time, it’s for real....
NOM Airs Ads In NYC, Albany. Spells Marriage Wrong   Conservatives often write gay “marriage” as if it weren’t real, as if it were some...
NOM’s Ad Campaign Follows Conservative Tenet: Exploit Children   Maggie Gallagher’s National Organization For Marriage‘s ad spots airing this week in New York City and...
 Focus On The Family. National Organization For Marriage. American Family Association. Fred Phelps. Alliance Defense Fund. Catholic League. Christian Coalition. Mike Huckabee. Newt Gingrich. Maggie...