Same Sex Marriage Passes In the Pine Tree State For the first time in U.S. history, gay marriage has been put to a vote and the...
Remember the Big Four Automakers? Who are now the Big Three Automakers? Maybe soon the Big Two Automakers, now that GM has declared bankruptcy? They had...
“Don’t Mess with DOMA!” “I am writing today because I wanted to be sure that you heard from the tens of millions of Americans who firmly...
NOM Marriage News: California Edition   May 1, 2009 Dear Jane, It’s not news to you and me: The drive to impose gay marriage “whether we like...
Maggie gallagher’s NOM: The National Organization For Marriage, is at it again.
Researcher: Gay-Straight Alliances Key To Reducing Teen Suicide Attempts Gay and straight teens who live in socio-politically conservative areas are more likely to attempt suicide, and...
Monica Crowley today on Fox News likened the Obama administration’s announcement today that it will no longer defend DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, in court,...