Fox News, the paradigm of false news, the purveyor of lies and twisted logic, once again has exhibited an embarrassing lack of knowledge that most fifth...
In 2011, the world witnessed the heinous murder of David Kato, a Ugandan gay activist who was bludgeoned to death in January, setting a sober tone...
International Hillary Clinton’s Makes US Foreign Policy LGBT History Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a historical foreign policy speech outlining the Obama Administration’s position on...
Editor’s Note 11.20.11: Please read today’s “UC Davis Pepper Spray Attack Of Students By Police: What Questions Do We Need Answered?,” and note that we have...
Eric Bolling at Fox News Business didn’t like the comments a spokesperson for an atheist group was making, and kicked him off the show. So much for fair...
Students at UC Davis Friday during an Occupy Wall Street non-violent protest were pepper sprayed by police point blank, in the face, and just sat there, passively,...
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,...
Black Friday began with a spray, rather than a bang, which given the country’s temperature, appears to be standard fare, Gabby Giffords serves Thanksgiving Day dinner...