Joe Sudbay at AmericaBlog reports the “Department of Justice has asked Judge Phillips to issue a stay of her DADT injunction and indicated that it will...
Last month I wrote, “Bullying Is So Gay,” about Focus on the Family’s pro-bullying website, which claims school anti-bullying programs that advocate tolerance are part of...
Yesterday we began our five-part series, “19-Year Old Gay Teen’s Suicide” with Part 1: “Watch The Bigots Who Pushed Him Over The Edge.” (See part three:...
There’s ascerbic, and then there’s Laura Ingraham. There’s nasty, and then there’s Laura Ingraham. There’s hypocritical, and then there’s Laura Ingraham. Ascerbic, nasty, hypocritical, times ten....
A new Harris Interactive survey just released finds that gay men and lesbians are more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to read and write blogs, and...
After a very, very, very long and arduous campaign season, today is election day all across America! If you haven’t taken advantage of early-voting, now is...
Sunday morning, after trying to hail a cab for far too long, I finally got to Grand Central and boarded the Metro North train to Connecticut...
Editor’s note: With this piece I’m very happy to officially welcome to the blog my partner, Caleb Eigsti, who earlier this month wrote, “Pro Vs. Con:...
ENDA? There’s A (Facebook) App For That! Via Michael Cole at HRC: “Do you know if your state protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from...
Editor’s note: J. Rudy Flesher is a Philadelphia based actor, blogger and college student. After a three-year detour working in health care he recently returned to...
Six gay and transgender veterans about an hour ago chained themselves to the gates of the White House to protest the Obama administration’s slow movement toward...
When I first started writing “The New Civil Rights Movement,” this blog on marriage equality, politics, and civil rights, I had a deep desire to make...
Editor’s note: This article is by David Mailloux, with whom I co-founded “The Great Nationwide Kiss-In” last summer. David is now a board member with Join...
I like Dan Savage. Well, I used to. Until this week. Dan is on a roll. If anything, I think maybe Dan’s upset that he’s not...
Hiram Monserrate, the former New York State Senator expelled after his criminal domestic abuse conviction, was booed and heckled Thursday night as he debated his Democratic...