President Donald Trump took the extraordinary step Thursday morning of claiming executive privilege over documents related to his administration’s desire to add a citizenship question to...
The religious right waged war against his nomination.
"Anti-LGBTQ dog whistle."
Too Toxic Even for Trump
More than 34,000 individuals participated.
"Hate is taught," the father says.
DA refuses to resign.
President Donald Trump kicked off Tuesday with a wide-ranging rant focused on Monday’s House hearing highlighting the Mueller report. Trump’s rambling and incoherent tweets made little...
"It's the right decision," Pence says.
'By What Statutory Authority Did the President Purport to Appoint Cuccinelli as Acting Director of USCIS?'
'Greedy Man Obsessed With Homosexuality'
Trump tosses baseless accusations.
In the end, as always in politics, it's about momentum and excitement.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s State Department has banned the LGBT Pride flag from being flown from flagpoles outside all U.S. embassies. The Trump administration has...
"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago," Trump...