Wonder Why You Never Hear Rick Santorum Talk About Anything But Social Issues?
The name Rick Santorum has become synonymous with several things, mostly the neologism “santorum,” and a radical religious right position on so-called “social issues.” But did you know that Santorum does actually have positions other than banning same-sex marriage and divorcing hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples, banning pornography, making Puerto Rico speak English, calling Rush Limbaugh an “entertainer†who was just “being absurd“ when he called Sandra Fluke a “slut,†supporting torture, wanting to “throw up” when hearing JFK talk about the separation of church and state, wanting to ban the teaching of evolution, claiming that the so-called Obama war on religion will lead people of faith to the guillotine, claiming Satan is destroying America, saying rape victims must “make the best out of a bad situation,” and saying, “I haven’t been talking a lot about†social issues?
Yes! Yes he does!
But aren’t you wondering why you never hear him talk about it?
WBUR, an NPR affiliate out of Boston, offers this:
U.S. Budget Watch, a project of the bi-partisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says tax and spending plans proposed by Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gingrich would significantly increase the the national debt.
The exception is Ron Paul’s proposal, which includes major spending cuts with reductions in taxes and would actually bring down the federal deficit.
How The Federal Deficit Would Change (U.S. Budget Watch)
- Under Santorum, by 2021, the debt would rise by about $4.5 trillion
- Under Gingrich, by about $7 trillion
- Under Romney the debt would increase by $2.6 trillion
- Under Ron Paul the debt would fall by about $2 trillion
Where Are The Tax Cuts? (Tax Policy Institute)
- Romney would permanently extend the Bush-era tax cuts, and cut the corporate tax rate from 35 to 25 percent, while repealing the estate tax
- Santorum would extend the Bush tax cuts, cut the corporate tax rate to around 17 percent and repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax
- Gingrich would extend the Bush tax cuts, and reduce the corporate tax rate to around 12 percent
- Ron Paul wants to eliminate the federal income tax and the payroll tax
So, that said, straight from his campaign website, here is Rick Santorum’s amazing “First 100 Days Economic Freedom Agenda” that no doubt will make America free (?) again (?)…
1)   UNLEASH AMERICA’S ENERGY: I’ll approve the Keystone Pipeline for jobs and energy security. I’ll sign an order unleashing America’s domestic energy production without picking winners and losers on Day One. I’ll allow states to choose where they want to explore for oil and natural gas and to set their own regulations for hydrofracking.
2)  STOP JOB KILLING REGULATIONS: I’ll eliminate all regulations promulgated by the Obama Administration which have an economic burden over $100 million dollars, on Day One, including repeal of the EPA rule on CO2 emissions that have already shut down six power plants and furloughed 500 workers. I will order a review of all regulations, making sure these regulations use sound science and common-sense cost benefit analysis.
3)   REIN IN SPENDING TO SECURE OUR FUTURE: I’ll propose spending cuts of $5 trillion over 5 years, including spending cuts for the remainder of fiscal year 2013. I will propose budgets that spend less money each year than the year before, and I’ll reduce the non-defense related federal workforce at least 10 percent, without replacing with contractors.
4)   REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE: I’ll submit legislation to Congress to repeal ObamaCare and issue an executive order ending related regulatory obligations on the states on Day One. I’ll work with Congress to replace ObamaCare with competitive choices of healthcare plans to improve the quality and limit the cost of healthcare, while protecting those with uninsurable health conditions.
5)   BALANCE THE BUDGET: I’ll submit to Congress a budget that will balance within 5 years and  I’ll call on Congress to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution which limits federal spending to 18 percent of GDP.
6)   PRO-GROWTH AND PRO-FAMILY INDIVIDUAL TAX POLICY: I’ll submit to Congress my comprehensive pro-growth and pro-family tax policies to strengthen opportunity in our country, with lower rates of 10 percent and 28 percent. To help families, I’ll triple the personal deduction for children and eliminate the marriage tax penalty throughout the tax code.
7)   RESTORE AMERICA’S COMPETITIVENESS: I’ll cut the corporate tax in half to a flat-tax rate of 17.5 percent to make America competitive internationally, and I’ll allow corporations to expense all business equipment and investment. I’ll eliminate taxes on IRS Code Section 199 manufacturing activity to attract manufacturing back to America. I’ll take the lead on tort reform to lower the cost of doing business in America and to reduce the cost of products and services to consumers. Repeal Dodd-Frank, which is making it harder for businesses to get access to credit and for Americans to buy houses and refinance.
8)  NEGOTIATE AND SUBMIT FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS: Because a substantial portion of Americans work for companies which export, I’ll initiate negotiations in the first 100 days and submit to Congress at least five free trade agreements to increase our exports during my first year in office.
9)Â Â REFORM ENTITLEMENTS:Â I will cut means-tested entitlement programs by 10 percent across the board, freeze them for four years, and block grant them to the states as I did as the author of welfare reform. I will reform Medicare and Social Security so they are fiscally sustainable for seniors and young people.
10)   REVIVE HOUSING: I’ll submit a plan to Congress to phase out within several years Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s federal housing role, reform and make transparent the Federal Reserve, and allow families whose homes are “underwater†to deduct losses from the sale of their home in order to better get a fresh start in difficult economic times.
Yes, temporary “fixes,” tax breaks for the wealthy, and killing the very regulations that allow us to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
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